There is something special about autumn when the leaves turn from green to golden yellows and red. The evenings are crisper. Change is in the air. I was recently sweeping our deck in a forest of poplar trees covered with a carpet of dead leaves. It made me think about the life cycle of a tree and how it applies to our lives. Most of us hate change. Life must be constant and predictable. We have routines in place to keep things as consistent as possible. Yet trees teach us a different story. Leaves must be shed for new leaves to grow. In winter, trees are barren but essential regeneration is happening. The leaves are like all the activities, routines, troubles, and burdens we carry. We need to shed these for new life and growth to happen. As the fallen leaves help to add nutrients to the soil, so too our example of letting go of past hurts and burdens can provide strength and encouragement to others. When your life is feeling barren like a dead tree in winter, know that just as the tree prepares for Spring, so God has the power to regenerate new life in you – a life filled with newness, beauty, and abundance. “Be confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6). In confidence put your life in God’s hands and let him bring life where to us it just seems impossible. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Phi1v6, https://bit.ly/Share2Friends