Path of least resistance

Path of least resistance

After the recent heavy rains, we noticed new waterfalls and streams. The flow of water has altered the trail routes, forming new paths. I find it interesting how water flows; it follows the path of least resistance. As soon as a favourable inlet or downward deviation arises, it alters its course to take the easier route. How often do we find ourselves like water, taking the path of least resistance in our lives? That may entail not standing up for truth or not doing what we know is right, simply because the alternative is more convenient. Jesus followed the path of most resistance to the point where he gave his life for us so that we may be freely welcomed into his path. However, following Jesus’ path versus the world requires perseverance and sacrifice, not simply slipping down the smoothest slope. “Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) How much are you prepared to sacrifice to follow him? Open Bible – (Jeremy G) – MORE?