We live in a tent. It seems crazy, but it’s amazing. Our fully equipped tent is nestled beneath a huge fig tree on the edge of a cliff overlooking a river below. However, recently there was a terrible storm that destroyed thousands of homes all around us. Yet, incredibly, our tent was unaffected. Why? It may be a flimsy, inadequate structure, however it is built on a solid rock foundation. Jesus tells a story about a house built on a rock foundation that survives a storm while another house built on sand collapses. It’s not the house strength that matters, it’s what it is built on that’s important. Likewise, it’s not our strength that matters but what we trust in that matters. We have a choice – build our life on sand – human thinking, ideologies, promises, or build on Jesus – the divine, eternal rock. Jesus says, “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.” (Matthew 7:24). Choose wisely, the storms will come.