It was our daughter and son-in-law’s wedding day. As she wanted an outdoor wedding, the date was planned for a month with the least possibility of rain. The week of her wedding arrived and sun was forecast for every day…except for their wedding day. This meant hastily changing venues for the ceremony and reception. On the wedding day, it was raining all morning, and heavy rain was forecast for the afternoon. Yet despite this, they were both in absolute peace and wanted it to be a day that gave God the glory. As she slipped on her wedding dress the sun broke through the clouds lighting up the whole valley and distant mountains. Instead of heavy downpours, the setting sun lit the entire sky in the most glorious golden colours. A special gift from our Heavenly Father to His precious son and daughter on their wedding day. It made me think of this verse in Job 37:11-12; “He scatters His bright clouds. And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance, that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the whole earth.” We worship a Heavenly Father who numbers the very hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7). A Father who intimately wants to be involved in every detail of our lives. No matter how dark life’s forecast may look, know that God is in control of every detail. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/job37v11-12, https://bit.ly/luk12v7