In the Bible’s book of Acts chapter 17, we meet the Apostle Paul reaching out to the people of Athens with some truly good news. He was deeply moved that they were searching for answers about who God was. In fact, the Greeks in Athens had built multiple temples to multiple gods. So intent were they concerning divine worship they had even created an inscription to the “unknown God”. Perhaps in Athens today you could even buy a T-shirt inscribed with: “My God is unknown..!” Yet if the Apostle Paul met you there right now, he would confidently add: “God gives to all mankind life and breath and everything…that people should seek God, and perhaps reach out to him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for ‘In him, we live and move and have our being’” (Acts 17:24-28 excerpts). This still remains Paul’s good news. God is already closer than anyone has ever told you. Reach out. You will find him. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Act17v24-28 (Geoff W)