It is November 1932. Outside a Darlinghurst church on the Sydney pavement, an almost illiterate man called Arthur Stace has written the word eternity in perfect copperplate, chalk writing. It expressed his choice that very day to leave a life of alcoholism and begin to share with others his newfound life with God. Arthur did not stop there. Over the next three decades, early each morning, he posted this one word some 500,000 times. At the dawn of the year 2000, it was memorialised in lights on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. In Ecclesiastes 3:11, King Solomon acknowledged that God has put “eternity into human hearts”, and therefore, like Arthur, each of us faces the same eternal choice. Where are you and I going to spend eternity? God has an answer. His heart’s desire is to share his joy spending ETERNITY with you in his presence. That’s good news to choose! Open Bible – https://bit.ly/ecc3v11 (Geoff W)