My husband and I have been enjoying seeing the amazing moments when heaven and earth intersect in our lives. These are Godly moments when our Heavenly Father meets and connects with us on earth. During a recent hike, we decided to stop at a beautiful view sight for our meditation. As I meditated, slowly taking in deep breaths and contemplating the beauty of God surrounding me, it struck me that the very air I was breathing was coming directly from heaven while I was sitting on earth. That is how much God wants to connect with me. Each life-giving breath we take is God’s desire to enter and dwell within us. What a wonderful reminder and comfort it can be to us to breathe in God’s comfort, love, and presence with every breath we take. In the Bible, we read, “For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” (Job 12:10). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Job12v10 (Petru B)