Are you blessed? We use “blessing” in many ways. From “Bless you” when someone sneezes to, “I had an amazing holiday – it was such a blessing”. However, we are unlikely to say, “I missed out on a holiday because I got sick – it was such a blessing”. For us, blessings are good things. And this is correct. A blessing is a good thing. But who decides what is good? As Jesus said in Matthew 19:17 – “There is only One who is good.”..and that is God. God alone defines what is good. And God alone defines what a blessing is. So, to find God’s definition of blessing, we must go to the first time He uses the word for humans. In the Bible’s opening chapter, we read, “Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply’” (Genesis 1:28). God’s definition of blessing is found in fruitfulness – growth, and multiplication – abundance. Growth is what impacts us, and multiplication is what should impact others. So, when we seek blessings, we seek things that will let us grow and multiply to impact others. This is true blessing. And sometimes it may be the missed holiday. God bless you. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Mat19v17, https://bit.ly/Gen1v28