What are you passionate about? Your passion is what you spend a lot of your free time doing or thinking about. Passion prioritises. If your passion is sport it will get priority over gardening. But, if your passion is gardening it will get priority over sport. Passion crafts perspective. Spending most of our spare time on our passion makes it more interesting and important to us. The more interesting and important it becomes, the more we see our passion around us. Other things become small and go unnoticed. Our passions craft our priorities and perspectives. We can have a passion for many things – sport, travel, career, fitness, but Jesus tells us what our greatest passion should be. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). That’s all, all, all. That’s total passion. Ultimate passion. If God is really our passion, we will spend most of our free time reading His Word, serving others for Him, and talking to Him. He will be our priority. He will become our perspective. He will get bigger and the world’s issues and desires smaller. What are you passionate about? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/mat22v37