Refuge Island

Refuge Island

While visiting Australia, I noticed they have signs on the roads that say “Refuge Island”. The idea is to indicate a safe place halfway across the road for pedestrians. However, the “refuge island” is often no more than a painted area in the middle of the road. While the idea is excellent, this refuge island wouldn’t provide much safety if a driver was not watching where they were going. The world offers us the same promise of safety and refuge. Insurance companies, drug companies, financial institutions, and others promise us “refuge” in their offerings. But their “refuge”’ is as safe as a painted island in the middle of a busy street. It’s the illusion of safety and security. However, God offers us a real island of safety. A refuge of real safety. “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalms 18:2). Make God your refuge, and experience true, eternal safety. Open Bible –