Seeing the very good

Seeing the very good

South Africa recently held its national elections. Many were filled with anxiety and uncertainty about which party would gain the majority and the impact on economic stability and peace. Post-elections, there was much talk about the negatives and anxiety about the future, with little focus on the positives we experienced. Despite our country’s diversity, we had the most peaceful elections. Foreign observers were amazed by the peace and patience shown by everyone, some waiting over 8 hours to vote. There were no acts of violence or anger among voters. How often do we focus on the negatives, even though many positives surround us? In Genesis 1:31, we read, “Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed, and morning came, marking the sixth day.” God teaches us to look at the good around us. We must seek God’s word and not be consumed by negative media demanding our focus. Each day, let us see the very good and focus on this. It will inspire and uplift us instead of causing the anxiety and fear that negative worldly sources bring. Open Bible – (Petru B)