Have you ever felt snow falling on you? You may think it’s unpleasant or feels like rain if you haven’t. However, it is one of nature’s most gentle experiences. Snowflakes are tiny frozen water crystals that land softly on you and then melt due to your temperature. It feels like a heavenly kiss. It’s a beautiful experience watching and feeling thousands of snowflakes gently falling from the sky. Now imagine if these tiny soft white flakes were washing and purifying you of all sin with every touch. This is the poetic picture of forgiveness Isaiah paints – “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18). By putting our faith in God, we experience the gentle touch of his refreshing love as our sins melt away leaving us pure in his sight. We are left resplendent like “white snow”, exhilarated by our forgiveness and purity in God’s sight. The next time you see beautiful snow, remember that this is a reminder of God’s promise to those who follow him. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Isa1v18 (Jean-Luc H)