As I write this Gospel Bite message, I’m sitting on a bench in a forest overlooking a beautiful mountain range. The doves are cooing in the trees, and a gentle breeze is blowing. Moments like these fill your heart with peace and awe. Yet, life is full of challenges that often rob us of peace—money issues, strained relationships, work pressures, and health concerns can fill us with fear and anxiety. Our Heavenly Father, who created us, understands our deep need for peace no matter life’s circumstances. That’s why the gift He offers to those who trust in Him is so powerful and life-changing. Isaiah reminds us: “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the LORD always, for the LORD GOD is the eternal Rock” (Isaiah 26:3-4). As we enter the new year, instead of being “blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14), let God be your eternal Rock. Put your complete trust in Him and experience His perfect peace every day. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Isa26v3-4, https://bit.ly/Eph4v14 (Nicky B)