A few months after my dad passed away, I was sorting through his things. I found a piece of paper folded in his wallet. Dad had written on it, “Ann, money for poor people”. My mom, who had passed away a few years earlier, loved to give to those in need. Even after she died, Dad continued to keep money aside to give to those in need from her. This simple note defined their lives – kindness to others, despite circumstances or even loss. Jesus told us what the defining characteristic of his followers is – “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). We all have opportunities to be kind to others, yet how often does that kindness extend when we don’t feel like it, when it is inconvenient, or even when it really hurts? It’s in these situations that we can only love if we are filled with God’s love. A divine gift greater than we can ever comprehend (1 Corinthians 13:13). It’s not grand acts that are needed; it’s kindness despite our own situation. How will you be known by love today? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Joh13v35, https://bit.ly/1Co13v13