We were enjoying lunch outdoors at a restaurant overlooking the ocean. It was a beautiful day, with the mountains as a backdrop on one side and the turquoise-blue Atlantic on the other. I was on my phone, looking up some information, when my better half reminded me, “You can only enjoy this moment, this view if you are present.” He was right—a memory is only created when we’re truly present, not when our thoughts are elsewhere. Isn’t it the same with our relationship with God and Jesus? We all desire a close connection with them, but if our minds are always on our worries or to-do lists, how can we be present with God? We miss the beauty of His creation and the quiet space to be alone with Him in prayer or meditation. Paul reminds us in Romans, “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God” (Romans 1:20). Step outside daily and set aside time to be present with God. See His power and divine nature in His creation. Spend the moment in conversation and praise. Your life will be enriched in every way. Ope Bible – https://bit.ly/rom1v20 (Nicky B)