“It’s Doctor, not Mister!” You might have heard someone say this or request you use some other title when addressing them. In life, we all end up in different positions – some as the CEOs of organisations and others the cleaners, some as doctors or professors and others as secretaries. While all these positions are necessary, we are still all the same fragile, flesh and blood humans. The true greatness of a person is not seen in how we treat those of higher status but in how we treat those of lower status. Before God, it’s not our titles and positions that matter, but our hearts and love. Try this as a handy reminder of your actual status – Look at the palm of your hand. Notice how the fingers are different lengths. Now, choose one finger that represents you. Now bend your fingers down toward your palm. Notice how all the fingers, including you, are now the same length. “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28). Before God, we are all the same, “For God does not show favouritism” (Romans 2:11) – and neither must we. Remember today’s handy lesson when you meet those who appear greater or lesser than you. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/gal3v28, http://bit.ly/rom2v11