You are exploring a remote island with friends when you come across a cave concealed with a tangled mass of vines. Thrusting your way through the curtain your torch stabs into the dark interior. Suddenly a glint of light catches your attention. It’s an old brass lamp half hidden in a broken box. At the campfire that night, seated under a bright canopy of stars, you and your friends share what your three wishes would be if you rubbed the lamp and a genie appeared. What would your three wishes be? Take a moment to think about it. Well, the good news is you don’t need a mythical lamp. We have a real, living God providing us abundantly more than any fairytale genie could ever provide. David shares the wonder of what a relationship with God offers. “You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” (Acts 2:28). God rescues us from death. He makes known to us the paths of life. He fills us with joy in His presence, with life everlasting. He is our constant guide. Could you ask for anything more? Look up at the stars and give thanks to the ultimate gift giver, our Heavenly Father. 🌱 Open Bible – https://bit.ly/act2v28