A good good morning

A good good morning

I have figured out how to have a good good morning. Actually, I’ve figured out how to have a good good good morning. As many goods as I want. While on a run recently, I decided to say “good morning” passionately to everyone I passed, regardless of whether they looked at me or replied. And what a difference it made. The more “goods” I gave away, the more good I felt. Some people’s faces lit up with a smile, and they responded. Some simply nodded. And some just ignored me. But it made no difference. Every “good morning” I gave away made me feel great. And I’m sure for some of the people it also improved their day. It made me wonder why we are so frugal with our joy. We have such an amazing opportunity to impact others – and ourselves, by sharing joy – even when we don’t feel like it. It’s a divine gift we receive by giving the gift away. Here’s a joy-filled, overflowing prayer for you today. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Wishing you a good good good day! Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Rom15v13