I recently got a new pair of work safety shoes. With their steel cap, they offer protection and stability no matter where I walk. As I laced them up, I couldn’t help but think about how, in our spiritual journey, we need the right shoes too—the shoes of faith. New shoes often take us in a new direction. When we step into faith, we walk toward God’s kingdom, trusting that He is leading us. These shoes provide security, no matter the obstacles ahead. Just like Peter, who walked on water as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus (Matthew 14:29), we, too, can navigate life’s storms without fear when we place our trust in Him. Faith is our protection, allowing us to stand firm when trials come. “And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15). These shoes of faith can help us practically put our faith into action. To move and go and care and love. How will you step forward today? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/mat14v29, https://bit.ly/Eph6v15 (Pierre B)