Design or chance?

Design or chance?

Recently, I watched a documentary about how animals can experience sound at a level we humans could never hear. It featured a Great Gray Owl which can catch rodents under dense snow without seeing them. Rather than seeing them, it hears their movements under the ground. These creatures rely on their instincts and know that there is a mouse in a specific spot even though they have no way of seeing that it is actually there. Non-believers might argue that this instinct, for animals to trust in their senses, is something that randomly evolved over millions of years. However, God asks Job (and us) this question – “Who gives intuition to the heart and instinct to the mind?” (Job 38:36). God tells us it is Him. He goes on to tell Job about all the incredible things He created. It’s the hand of the Designer, not chance, that is evident in all the wonders of nature. It’s God’s declaration of himself for all who will open their eyes and see. Open Bible – (Jean-Luc H)