Are you lost?

Are you lost?

I’m unlikely to ask someone if I don’t know which way to go while out walking or driving. I just have to figure it out, which usually means getting lost. However, the wiser option would be to simply ask someone for help. It’s pride that keeps me from asking. It’s embarrassing to admit I’m lost. And so I would rather suffer not getting to where I want to go than admit I am lost. As silly as this is, sadly, many of us do precisely this in our lives. We are lost. Not knowing which way to go. What decision is the correct one? Which way should we proceed in life? While we could ask friends, there are many decisions that not even they know the answer to. Only God knows the future and the answer. Yet it is pride that keeps us from asking God. Pride that we can figure it out. Pride that we don’t need a God. And so there are so many who wander lost through life. Yet all we need to do is humble ourselves and, in faith, ask God for help. “Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow” (Psalms 25:4). Open Bible –