We all like to feel special. It makes us feel appreciated. It makes us feel loved. However, for most people, this might only occur once a year on a birthday. Yet, how amazing would it be to feel special- not just one day, but every day? And how amazing would it be if the one saying it was God Almighty? And how amazing would it be if he wasn’t just saying you are special to Him, but you are also royalty? It seems impossible, but that is what God is saying to all who accept Him. “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession” (1 Peter 2:9). There are no better words to hear than God telling you that you belong to Him and are special to Him. So, today, know this: whatever else is going on in your life, whatever people may say, think, or do, in God’s sight, you are chosen. You are special. Today he sees and loves you. Today is God’s gift to you. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/1Pe2v9