Waiting for him to appear

Waiting for him to appear

Jesus has promised that He will return, and we are called to be good servants who wait expectantly for Him (Matthew 24:45-47). But do we truly live in expectation? For many of us, life simply moves forward. Recently, I have experienced a glimpse of what expectant living should feel like. Our daughter is expecting her first child, and the due date has passed. The signs are all there, yet life continues as normal. She is still working, we are carrying on with our routines—nothing appears to have changed. However, there is a constant sense of anticipation, a readiness for the call—“The baby’s coming.” Every time my phone rings or a message arrives, we immediately look, our first thought always, “Is this it?” This is exactly how Jesus wants us to live. Of course, we will continue working and living our daily lives, but the signs are here. We should be in constant expectation, with a growing anticipation of the moment we hear the call—“Jesus is coming” (Matthew 24:31). Every world event, every small sign, should remind us to ask, “Is this it?” “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20). Open Bible – https://bit.ly/rev22v20, https://bit.ly/Mat24v45-47, https://bit.ly/Mat24v31 (Craig B)