What thrills you? An exciting win for your sports team? A visit to an amusement park? Playing an online game? Watching a good movie? Whatever thrills us tends to become our focus. The Psalmist tells us what should thrill us – ”You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done” (Psalms 92:4). While the excitement of our sports team winning is amazing or the adrenaline high of a rollercoaster ride, these thrills are temporary. However, what God offers us is the thrill of an eternal relationship. This is the awesome feeling of a friend always there when you are in need. The peace of God when life is scary. Divine joy that exceeds anything you have ever experienced. A fulfilment that is complete. Let God thrill you with his love. All he needs is for you to make a relationship with him your focus and desire. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Psa92v4