The Baboon

The Baboon

Recently, we stayed at an Airbnb in a small coastal village. While the views were amazing, we were warned about the baboons living nearby. The house had an enclosed patio and slatted sliding doors for protection. While sitting in bed, a baboon tried to open our locked door. Later, with about ten people inside and out, the baboon returned, walked past everyone, went straight into the house, opened the fridge, and caused chaos before leaving. Despite all the security and people, the baboon still got in. In life, we all have “baboons”—sickness, money issues, loneliness. We set up protections like insurance, employment, and friends, yet the “baboon” still gets in and causes damage. But there is a solution. Jesus said, “In Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Today, know that whatever is happening in your life, in Jesus, you have peace. Open Bible –