The Psalms are full of encouragement and comfort, especially in times of need. It has always struck me how each line in a psalm can take on greater meaning and intensity when it aligns with our circumstances. Take the simple opening line of Psalm 27:1, “The Lord is my light and salvation- so why should I be afraid?” Lying in a dark hospital room with alarms ringing, and suddenly, these words are real and challenging. Can I see His light through the darkness and chaos around me? Do I see His salvation burning like a pillar of fire even in the darkest night? And now that I see it, why should I be afraid? Looking for and feeling His presence in trial can be very difficult. Still, at the same time, it presents the most incredible opportunity to experience His salvation and to hear him softly say, “Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Psa27v1, https://bit.ly/joh14v27 (Matthew B)