Billboards convey messages in big, bold and unmissable ways. However, long before humans made billboards, God created the first gigantic billboard stretching across heaven. After destroying nearly everyone on earth because of their sinfulness, God said, “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth…(that) never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life” (Genesis 9:13-15). God created a giant billboard to remind us that he is a God of truth and righteousness as well as mercy and grace. Later when Moses asked to see God’s glory, God didn’t show him anything; instead, he described his character – merciful, gracious, patient, and abundant in kindness and truth (Exodus 34:6). God’s glory is who He is. An amazing phenomenon that only occurs when conditions are just right is a full-circle rainbow. However, even when conditions are right, it is often blocked by your horizon. What’s amazing is this stunning spectacle is called a glory! If the conditions in your life are right, and your limited horizon does not block your vision, you will see the true wonder of God around you – his glory, his character. Will you let God raise you up to a place where you can see his glory? (Ephesians 2:6-9). Open Bible –,,
The Glory
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