Are you like Gaius?

Are you like Gaius?

3 John 1, the second shortest book in the Bible, is a letter the apostle John wrote to his friend Gaius. Despite its brevity, it offers valuable insight into how God’s children should interact with one another. The book presents two contrasting characters: Gaius, described as a great leader who supports and aids those spreading the message of Jesus Christ, and Diotrephes, who, although a believer, refuses to welcome everyone into the church. This contrast reflects the Christian landscape today, where some individuals or churches encourage the spreading of the gospel, while others create barriers that divide. And so John says, “We ought therefore to show hospitality…do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God” (3 John 1:8,11). In a modern world filled with ‘Diotrephes,’ strive to be like Gaius—welcoming and supportive of all who follow Christ. Open Bible – (Jean-Luc H)