Close your eyes and visualize a field of flowers, stretching out to the horizon. Vibrant orange and yellow blend perfectly with swathes of pale blue and lilac. It’s the incredible beauty of Namaqualand’s annual flower display. It’s truly beyond what words can describe. It’s even beyond what video and photos can capture. The visual feast has to be experienced to comprehend the vastness and wonder of this canvas of colour. The same is true of our experience of God. Job said this after going through a series of tragic experiences and then experiencing God’s amazing blessing. “My ears had heard about you but now my eyes have seen you.” (Job 42:5). Is your experience of God what you have read and heard or what you have seen? The difference is vast. We can describe God, talk about God, debate God…but still never “see” him. Never experience him. God is not a description he is a relationship. God invites you to see and experience him in your life. Open your eyes and see a God of wonders, reaching out to eternity. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/job42v5