You are a coach! Weird to say, right? Especially when you’ve probably never trained a sports team or given out licensed advice. The Cambridge Dictionary defines a coach as someone hired to teach people to improve in a specific discipline or subject. You may have never coached for a company or group, but you have been appointed to be one by Jesus Christ himself. Just as he made all the disciples coaches in Mark 16:15, saying, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”, he asks the same of us. As Christians, we are called to be living examples of the gospel message. And so, our calling is to coach others through our words and actions as to what it means to be a follower of Christ. Every action and decision we make projects an example to those around us, so we should be mindful of how we exhibit the gospel through our behaviour to others. As a believer, you have been selected as a coach of the gospel. There is no greater honour than that. Open Bible – bit.ly/Mar16v15 (Jean-Luc H)