GMP Course

God's Master Plan - 1.1 - Does God Have a Master Plan?
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's ...
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's Master Plan that is woven into every aspect of the Bible. In this session we begin by asking ...the most important question - Does God have a master plan?[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 1.2 - What is God's Master Plan?
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's ...
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's Master Plan that is woven into every aspect of the Bible. In this session we answer the key ...question, What is God's Master Plan?[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 1.3 - What is God's Glory?
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's ...
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's Master Plan that is woven into every aspect of the Bible. In this session, we look at God's ...Glory, which is central to His plan.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 1.4 - What do we have to do with God's Glory
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's ...
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's Master Plan that is woven into every aspect of the Bible. In this lesson, we look at how ...humans play a key role in God's plan.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 1.5 - How is the plan progressing?
God has an amazing plan to fill the earth with His glory? He shared ...
God has an amazing plan to fill the earth with His glory? He shared this plan thousands of years ago. So, how is the plan processing?
God's Master Plan - 1.1 - Does God Have a Master Plan?
This series of videos is based on the fundamental theme of God's Master Plan that is woven into every aspect of the Bible. In this session we begin by asking ...the most important question - Does God have a master plan?[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 2.1 - Does God have a plan to guarantee his master plan?
God has a grand master plan, but He has more than this - he has a plan ...
God has a grand master plan, but He has more than this - he has a plan to ensure His Master Plan happens.

God's Master Plan - 2.2 - What are the promises?
God makes a series of special covenant promises to people in the Old ...
God makes a series of special covenant promises to people in the Old Testament. And what is really exciting is that these promises involve us too.

God's Master Plan - 2.3 - What do these promises mean?
There are three key elements to God's promises that he has put in ...
There are three key elements to God's promises that he has put in place. These are vital to our salvation.

God's Master Plan - 2.4 - What is Jesus' role in God's Master Plan?
What role does Jesus play in God's Master Plan, and how does this impact me?
What role does Jesus play in God's Master Plan, and how does this impact me?

God's Master Plan - 2.5 - What is God’s everlasting Kingdom like?
God promises to establish his Kingdom on earth. What does he tell us ...
God promises to establish his Kingdom on earth. What does he tell us about this? What will his kingdom be like?

God's Master Plan - 2.6 - When will Jesus return to earth?
This is a question many would like answered? Does the Bible give us ...
This is a question many would like answered? Does the Bible give us any answers to this question?
God's Master Plan - 2.1 - Does God have a plan to guarantee his master plan?
God has a grand master plan, but He has more than this - he has a plan to ensure His Master Plan happens.

God's Master Plan - 3.1 - What is the origin of sin?
Sin is something that we all have to deal with, but where did it ...
Sin is something that we all have to deal with, but where did it start? Who was "patient zero"? And what is the consequence of sin in our world?

God's Master Plan - 3.2 - What is the effect of sin on us?
Sin impacts us in two significant ways - and both are serious.
Sin impacts us in two significant ways - and both are serious.

God's Master Plan - 3.3 - What is our destiny without God’s Master Plan?
When God made humankind he used a very special formula - and it's the ...
When God made humankind he used a very special formula - and it's the same formula that reverses when we die.

God's Master Plan - 3.4 - Is there any escape from our Destiny?
Our natural human condition ends in one destiny - death. Is there any ...
Our natural human condition ends in one destiny - death. Is there any way to escape this?
God's Master Plan - 3.1 - What is the origin of sin?
Sin is something that we all have to deal with, but where did it start? Who was "patient zero"? And what is the consequence of sin in our world?

God's Master Plan - 4.1 - Who can’t be part of God’s Master Plan?
Who can’t be part of God’s Master Plan? This is an important question ...
Who can’t be part of God’s Master Plan? This is an important question to answer that has an exciting answer.

God's Master Plan - 4.2 - What is sin?
What is sin? At some levels, this sounds like an easy question to ...
What is sin? At some levels, this sounds like an easy question to answer. But understanding sin and its impact is a vital step in our road to salvation.

God's Master Plan - 4.3 - Where does Sin come from?
What is the origin of sin? Understanding this helps us know how sin is ...
What is the origin of sin? Understanding this helps us know how sin is overcome in our lives.

God's Master Plan - 4.4 - What causes us to Sin?
What causes us to sin? This is important as like with any problem in ...
What causes us to sin? This is important as like with any problem in life understanding the cause helps us deal with it.

God's Master Plan - 4.5 - Who is satan?
Understanding the adversary comes with a surprising twist - in this ...
Understanding the adversary comes with a surprising twist - in this lesson we look at how personal satan can be.
God's Master Plan - 4.1 - Who can’t be part of God’s Master Plan?
Who can’t be part of God’s Master Plan? This is an important question to answer that has an exciting answer.

God's Master Plan - 5.1 - Who is the promised offspring?
God's master plan revolves around a special offspring. He is the key ...
God's master plan revolves around a special offspring. He is the key to unlocking the plan. We explore this exciting theme in this lesson.

God's Master Plan - 5.2 - Why do we need Jesus?
Jesus is key to God's Master Plan. In this lesson, we explore why we ...
Jesus is key to God's Master Plan. In this lesson, we explore why we need Jesus to unlock the plan.

God's Master Plan - 5.3 - How can Jesus save us from our sins?
Jesus died, even though he did not deserve to. Why did he die and what ...
Jesus died, even though he did not deserve to. Why did he die and what does this have to do with us?

God's Master plan - 5.4 - Why did Jesus need to be both Son of God and Son of Man?
This is a really important question that helps us understand the ...
This is a really important question that helps us understand the important role that Jesus plays in our salvation.

God's Master Plan - 5.5 - Why did Jesus have to die?
The gospel message revolves around the life, death, and resurrection ...
The gospel message revolves around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. While answering this question, about why Jesus had to die, could fill volumes, the answer can be found two simple reasons.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 5.6 - What does Jesus’ death and resurrection mean to us?
Everyone dies - but when a man is resurrected, this changes ...
Everyone dies - but when a man is resurrected, this changes everything. In this lesson, we look at the meaning and implications of Jesus' death and resurrection.
God's Master Plan - 5.1 - Who is the promised offspring?
God's master plan revolves around a special offspring. He is the key to unlocking the plan. We explore this exciting theme in this lesson.

God's Master Plan - 6.1 - Who is the Master Planner?
God, the creator of the universe is behind the Master Plan. In this ...
God, the creator of the universe is behind the Master Plan. In this session, we explore who He is as he reveals himself through the Bible.

God's Master Plan - 6.2 - What is the Nature of God?
This is a BIG question - but using the Bible as our guidebook we ...
This is a BIG question - but using the Bible as our guidebook we explore how God reveals himself as a God who is One, all-powerful, eternal, Spirit, everywhere, all-knowing, ...and most importantly, love.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 6.3 - What is God's name?
Hidden in God's name there is an amazing message of salvation. We ...
Hidden in God's name there is an amazing message of salvation. We briefly explore this here. For a story on this journey check out

God's Master Plan - 6.4 - Why is God called Father?
God is revealed in the New Testament of the Bible as a father. Why is ...
God is revealed in the New Testament of the Bible as a father. Why is this and how does it impact our relationship with him?

God's Master Plan - 6.5 - What is the power of God?
God has a power that works in everything He does - this power is his ...
God has a power that works in everything He does - this power is his Holy Spirit. In this session, we explore the importance and impact of this power on ...our lives.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 6.6 - Why is it important to know the Master Planner?
Knowing important people may bring with it some advantages. However, ...
Knowing important people may bring with it some advantages. However, there is none more important worth knowing than God.
God's Master Plan - 6.1 - Who is the Master Planner?
God, the creator of the universe is behind the Master Plan. In this session, we explore who He is as he reveals himself through the Bible.

God's Master Plan - 7.1 - What must I do to be saved?
This is an important question. But what is exciting is how simple the ...
This is an important question. But what is exciting is how simple the answer is.

God's Master Plan - 7.2 - What is belief?
There are two parts to belief - and this is important, as belief is ...
There are two parts to belief - and this is important, as belief is essential for salvation.

God's Master Plan - 7.3 - What is repentance?
Repentance is an important part of our journey to salvation - however, ...
Repentance is an important part of our journey to salvation - however, it's more than simply being sorry.

God's Master Plan - 7.4 - What is baptism?
Baptism is washing in water - but why do we need it, and what does it ...
Baptism is washing in water - but why do we need it, and what does it have to do with God's Master Plan?

God's Master Plan - 7.5 - Why be baptised?
Baptism is not simply a symbol it is an act of obedience that has ...
Baptism is not simply a symbol it is an act of obedience that has important implications and makes an important statement.

God's Master Plan - 7.6 - Is Jesus the Only Way?
Jesus says he is "The way, the truth, and the life". What does this ...
Jesus says he is "The way, the truth, and the life". What does this mean? Is Jesus the only way to God or are there many ways to salvation?

God's Master Plan - 7.7 - What is the new life?
God offers us a new "eternal life" - What is this life? How do we ...
God offers us a new "eternal life" - What is this life? How do we experience it now?
God's Master Plan - 7.1 - What must I do to be saved?
This is an important question. But what is exciting is how simple the answer is.

God's Master Plan - 8.1 - Am I living a Kingdom Citizen life?
How do we tell if we are living the type of life that God expects of ...
How do we tell if we are living the type of life that God expects of us? God provides a mirror that we can look into, and this provides us ...a clear answer to this important question.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 8.2 - What does Christ want from us?
What does Jesus want from us? He is King of the Universe, what could ...
What does Jesus want from us? He is King of the Universe, what could we possibly give him? There is one thing - and it is vital.

God's Master Plan - 8.3 - What are the four pillars of Christian living?
When the church was established, shortly after the ascension of Jesus ...
When the church was established, shortly after the ascension of Jesus to heaven, we read about four important practices that disciples followed. These form four pillars for our we should today.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 8.4 - What are God’s 3 Salvation Principles?
There are three principles that are woven through the entire story of ...
There are three principles that are woven through the entire story of the Bible like a golden thread. These three principles are what make all the difference in this incredible ...story and how God wants to be in a relationship with us.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 8.5 - What are some practical implications of living a Christian life?
Living a Christian life is not simply a theory of living, it's about ...
Living a Christian life is not simply a theory of living, it's about the practice of living. All too often it is easy to accept theories or beliefs that have impact on us. However, followers of Christ need to live what they believe, and this has real, practical implications.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 8.6 - How does God help us live the Kingdom life today?
Life is not easy - we are faced with many challenges. However, God ...
Life is not easy - we are faced with many challenges. However, God does not leave us without help. He provides a very special power to help us live our ...lives.[+] Show More

God's Master Plan - 8 - Conclusion
God's Master Plan - 8.1 - Am I living a Kingdom Citizen life?
How do we tell if we are living the type of life that God expects of us? God provides a mirror that we can look into, and this provides us ...a clear answer to this important question.[+] Show More