Comfort Food
Comfort Food
Life is full of trials, and many times, these trials are out of our control. However, while we may not always have a choice about our circumstances, we do have a choice of how we respond. Jesus invites us to come to him – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). In this section you can meditate on God’s messages of comfort for you.

Known By Love
Jesus introduces a new command, which at first reading doesn't seem ...
Jesus introduces a new command, which at first reading doesn't seem new. However, when we look closer we discover that not only is it new, it is also the defining ...characteristic of the family of God. Visit for more.[+] Show More

Our Reward
What does God really promise us as our reward for following him? Or, ...
What does God really promise us as our reward for following him? Or, maybe, should we ask this question in another way?

Where are You?
The very first question God asks is "Where are You?" Our answer is ...
The very first question God asks is "Where are You?" Our answer is very important.

One of the unfortunate and common side-effects of the COVID-19 virus ...
One of the unfortunate and common side-effects of the COVID-19 virus is a loss of taste. Is there something that God is trying to teach us?

Million Dollar Bowl of Stew
Would ever choose to spend a million dollars on a bowl of stew? ...
Would ever choose to spend a million dollars on a bowl of stew? Unlikely! Yet in this true story, it happens, and the twist is...well, watch and find out!

Meeting God in the Between
Worry, Despair. Uncertainty. For all of us, there are times when we ...
Worry, Despair. Uncertainty. For all of us, there are times when we find ourselves in a difficult place. It is often a place where we don't know what to do, ...where to go, how to even pray. Yet, it is in this place that something remarkable happens - it's here between certainty and uncertainty, between life and death, between the known and unknown that we meet God.[+] Show More

Courage is an important attribute that we all need to face life's ...
Courage is an important attribute that we all need to face life's challenges. However, when it is paired with something else, it enables us to do so much more.

Courage in Our Storm
At some stage in life, we will face a storm - and often more than ...
At some stage in life, we will face a storm - and often more than once. The hardest thing to do in these difficult times is to face the challenges ...that life brings our way. In this short lesson, we learn from a man who literally stepped into a storm.[+] Show More

Crazy Gifts
We all love to receive gifts 🎁 - But when God gives gifts they are in ...
We all love to receive gifts 🎁 - But when God gives gifts they are in another (divine) league. Let's open three of the gifts God is offering and also ...find out how to receive them.[+] Show More

The Agapanthus Story
The agapanthus flower is not only a beautiful flower, it tells a ...
The agapanthus flower is not only a beautiful flower, it tells a beautiful story - a story and a challenge to all of us. This story was inspired by a ...special man's kindness and his final gift.[+] Show More

Road To Glory
The road to glory, both naturally and spiritually, is marked with ...
The road to glory, both naturally and spiritually, is marked with suffering and pain. Why is this the case? Is there something we can learn from this, and is there ...any help when we are going through the suffering stage?[+] Show More

Backpacks are so useful when hiking or travelling, however, they also ...
Backpacks are so useful when hiking or travelling, however, they also can weigh us down. Jesus has a solution for the heavy backpacks we carry in life, sometimes not by ...our own choice.[+] Show More

Happiness Hacks - Intro
Jesus shares 9 amazing and surprising hacks that will result in real ...
Jesus shares 9 amazing and surprising hacks that will result in real happiness. Listen to what he says and see what the cat's tail story has to teach us about ...happiness.[+] Show More

Star Words
God has written an astounding message in the night sky - a deeply ...
God has written an astounding message in the night sky - a deeply personal message. Look up and see it.

Fruit out of Season
Jesus does something strange when he curses a fig tree for not having ...
Jesus does something strange when he curses a fig tree for not having fruit. Not just because of this unusual "destructive:" miracle, but because of something even more astounding...and herein ...lies Jesus' life-altering lesson.[+] Show More

Happiness Hacks #1 - Humility
Jesus shares 9 Happiness Hacks in his first public sermon. They seem ...
Jesus shares 9 Happiness Hacks in his first public sermon. They seem crazy approaches to happiness but are divinely effective. In this first "hack" Jesus begins with humility.

Standing Saviour
We have very real hope in the resurrection from the dead. In this ...
We have very real hope in the resurrection from the dead. In this meditation, we join Mary as she discovers a dead man standing again! Jesus is our Standing Saviour ...and he is the firstfruits of all who now are lying down waiting to stand again![+] Show More

As humans, we naturally want to be together. In this meditation, we ...
As humans, we naturally want to be together. In this meditation, we consider why we want to be together and why it is important, as well as an exciting lesson ...from a piece of rope![+] Show More

Imagine if there was something else floating in the air behind the ...
Imagine if there was something else floating in the air behind the words that we hear - something divine that heals and restores. Prepare to breathe deeply, of God's words.

Happiness Hack #2 - Mourn
This must be the most crazy way to find happiness. However, in his ...
This must be the most crazy way to find happiness. However, in his divine wisdom, in Happiness Hack #2 Jesus says this is the way to true happiness.

Lessons from God's Classroom - Avoid the Rocks
A river - a canoe - rocks - what should we focus on?
A river - a canoe - rocks - what should we focus on?

Lessons from God's Classroom - Upon This Rock
Peter makes a life-changing confession that all believers need to make.
Peter makes a life-changing confession that all believers need to make.

Prayer for Light
A prayer for Light in a time of darkness (for South Africa, the ...
A prayer for Light in a time of darkness (for South Africa, the beloved country)

God’s Most Ignored Command by Christians
The most ignored command by Christians is… "Do everything without ...
The most ignored command by Christians is…
"Do everything without complaining and arguing." (Philippians 2:14)
Yet we complain - online, in person, in every way we can…
The COVID pandemic. The economy. The Our job. Our friends.
We often find it easier to complain about something than to give thanks to God for the good we received.
Lets's set a task for today: throughout the day, find just 5 things you are grateful for. If you want to take it further, write then down - and then give God thanks.
See for the interactive version of this lesson and other lessons and meditations.[+] Show More
"Do everything without complaining and arguing." (Philippians 2:14)
Yet we complain - online, in person, in every way we can…
The COVID pandemic. The economy. The Our job. Our friends.
We often find it easier to complain about something than to give thanks to God for the good we received.
Lets's set a task for today: throughout the day, find just 5 things you are grateful for. If you want to take it further, write then down - and then give God thanks.
See for the interactive version of this lesson and other lessons and meditations.[+] Show More

The shortest and longest command
Interactive version: ...
Interactive version:
I want to share with you the shortest longest command.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray continually.
This is the shortest verse with the longest instruction.
I want to share with you the shortest longest command.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray continually.
This is the shortest verse with the longest instruction.

How to have God's peace
Peace What is peace? Tranquility, love, no war, Worldly peace is ...
What is peace?
Tranquility, love, no war,
Worldly peace is different to God’s peace
Our worldly peace is temporary
God’s peace is internal
What is peace?
Tranquility, love, no war,
Worldly peace is different to God’s peace
Our worldly peace is temporary
God’s peace is internal

Mount Desire

The Unfunneled Life
What does Jesus mean when he says, “ENTER through the narrow gate. For ...
What does Jesus mean when he says, “ENTER through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many ENTER through But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few FIND it.” (Matthew 7:13-14). He is making an amazing offer that we miss as we are too focused on the wrong words.[+] Show More

Works vs Grace
How do we make sense of the New Testament teaching that we are saved ...
How do we make sense of the New Testament teaching that we are saved by grace when so much of the Bible is about the works we should do? Is ...there a way to reconcile this?[+] Show More

Don't Watch This - The Instruction Manual
"Whatever you do, Do Not read this" - Those would be strange lines to ...
"Whatever you do, Do Not read this" - Those would be strange lines to start and instruction manual with. But them its likely no one would notice, because who reads ...instructions? So, hy did God give us a Bible filled with so many instructions?
#bible #christian[+] Show More
#bible #christian[+] Show More

Useless Trees
Lessons from God's Classroom - An amazing lesson from the desert as we ...
Lessons from God's Classroom - An amazing lesson from the desert as we look at why God chose good-for-nothing firewood trees to build something special. For the interactive version and ...more lessons and courses visit -[+] Show More

Spiritual Workout
Owain’s spiritual message revolves around the idea that spiritual ...
Owain’s spiritual message revolves around the idea that spiritual growth requires active training, just like athletic training. He draws from 1 Timothy, where Paul states that physical training has some ...value, but godliness holds value for both this life and the life to come. He encourages the audience to approach their faith with the same dedication an Olympian would apply to their sport.
Owain breaks spiritual training into three key aspects:
1. Small Steps Matter – Just as athletes use progressive overload to build strength and stamina, believers must gradually and consistently increase their spiritual disciplines, stretching themselves daily.
2. Spiritual Gym – Spiritual training requires commitment and discipline. He references Paul’s analogy in 1 Corinthians, where runners train to win a perishable crown, whereas believers train for an eternal one.
3. Goal Setting – Like athletes who set goals to improve performance, believers should intentionally work toward godliness, disciplining themselves to become more like Jesus.
Owain emphasizes that spiritual growth does not happen by accident—it requires intentional effort, perseverance, and discipline. He warns against complacency and highlights that, just as an athlete pushes their limits, believers must push themselves in faith to truly transform their character[+] Show More
Owain breaks spiritual training into three key aspects:
1. Small Steps Matter – Just as athletes use progressive overload to build strength and stamina, believers must gradually and consistently increase their spiritual disciplines, stretching themselves daily.
2. Spiritual Gym – Spiritual training requires commitment and discipline. He references Paul’s analogy in 1 Corinthians, where runners train to win a perishable crown, whereas believers train for an eternal one.
3. Goal Setting – Like athletes who set goals to improve performance, believers should intentionally work toward godliness, disciplining themselves to become more like Jesus.
Owain emphasizes that spiritual growth does not happen by accident—it requires intentional effort, perseverance, and discipline. He warns against complacency and highlights that, just as an athlete pushes their limits, believers must push themselves in faith to truly transform their character[+] Show More

Take off your shoes
The very first time we come across shoes in the Bible there is an ...
The very first time we come across shoes in the Bible there is an important lesson that God wants to teach us. Are you ready to listen?

Take off your shoes
The very first time we come across shoes in the Bible there is an ...
The very first time we come across shoes in the Bible there is an important lesson that God wants to teach us. Are you ready to listen?
Known By Love
Jesus introduces a new command, which at first reading doesn't seem new. However, when we look closer we discover that not only is it new, it is also the defining ...characteristic of the family of God. Visit for more.[+] Show More